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Melasma Treatment

Melasma is a pigmentation condition that alters the tone and appearance of the skin and can cause adult women to age prematurely. Although it is a benign skin disease, treatment can frequently be difficult due to its chronicity and tenacity.
The skin condition called melasma causes flat, brownish or blue-grey spots to form on the skin, often on the face. It is more common in women than in men and affects adults. Melasma is also known as chloasma, or the mask of pregnancy. One common risk factor is exposure to the sun. Chronic melasma is a pigmentary illness that waxes and wanes and frequently does not respond to therapy.

Where does melasma usually
take place?

The most typical areas of the face to develop melasma are the cheeks, forehead, nasal bridge, and chin. It hardly ever affects the exposed skin on the forearms, neck, or back, aside from the face.

Which kinds of melasma exist?

Dermatologists divide melasma into different categories according to how deep the discoloration is on the skin:
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The skilled physicians at Nutriderma are adept in treating a variety of pigmentary issues, such as melasma, with cutting-edge FDA-approved techniques that have been shown to be safe and effective while also helping you regain your perfect complexion. Get in touch with us right now to find out more about the melasma treatment process, outcomes, price, and other details!



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