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Skin Rejuvenation

The skin undergoes several changes over time as a result of our lifestyle choices, inadequate skin care practises, ageing, and the consequent slowing down of our internal systems. Most often, there is a decrease in both the skin’s capacity to produce collagen and its ability to heal after internal or external injuries. The end effect is dull, ageing skin that could feature scars, pigmentation, or any other type of skin condition unique to each individual. Skin rejuvenation is an option for everyone who feels that the quality of their skin has declined over time or who wants to follow a regular skin care programme.
Since the majority of the procedures are non-invasive, there is no need to take any extra precautions before pursuing skin rejuvenation.
A non-invasive laser procedure called laser skin rejuvenation uses light energy to:
A mild laser light is utilised to penetrate the outer layer of skin during the procedure. Deep within your skin, this laser heat promotes the formation of collagen. Once the tiny wrinkles are filled in with new collagen, you will see the change. The results of the laser therapy will last long after your procedure. Your face’s discoloured spots will also be affected by the heat from the laser since the pigment in these areas is broken up and reabsorbed into the skin. Even while your skin may improve slightly right away, the effects usually take time to manifest.
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